Dr. Yair serves as a lecturer in geoinformatics at the Department of Geography since 2019.
His PhD thesis at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, titled "An integrative model space-time behavior", focused on analyzing the space-time behavior of individuals using GPS data and developing advanced tools for producing knowledge from such data. During his doctoral studies, Yair was also involved in the study of urban resilience to disasters using agent-based simulations, Big Data-driven analysis of the housing market, and explorations of urban dynamics using mobility data.
Upon completing his PhD studies, Yair joined Prof. Dr. Alexander Zipf's GIScience research group at Heidelberg University in Germany, one of the largest research groups in the field, to conduct his post-doctoral studies. During this period, Yair has focused on quantitative analysis of the processes behind the production of Volunteered Geographic Information and their impacts on the nature of the produced information.
In his current research, Yair strives to integrate theories from the fields of Human Geography and the Social Sciences into methodological developments in the field of Geographic Information Science, focusing on processes of geo-information production, representation of local knowledge, alternative conceptualizations of space, and mining knowledge out of spatial databases.